Short answer? : No. You need custom brackets.
The sliders on the Recaros are 15 7/8ths wide from the center of each bolt hole
The 2G sliders are ~17.5" making the 2G sliders farther apart than the Recaros.
As a result the feet on the 2G will not simply swap over to the Recaros.
Short of making brackets yourself, there are very little options on the web, but a lot of aftermarket seat makers suggest Wedge Engineering.
IF HOWEVER, you are 5'11" or taller, you will find that the C frame brackets make the recaros sit too high, even at the lowest mounting point.
In my case, I had the Recaros welded via the sliders right to the main floor frame, thus allowing the whole seat to sit ~.6" lower.
Last Updated:
2016-05-29 09:47
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