Many questions of this type can be answered by the following reference:
A V.I.N. is a Vehicle Identification Number, a unique identifier which is assigned to every automobile at the factory. It is essentially a serial number for your car, and contains a lot of information about the vehicle.
First-generation (1990-1994) VIN numbers are formatted as follows:
1 Country code
4 = USA
? = Canada
2 Make
E = Eagle
P = Plymouth
A = Mitsubishi
3 Vehicle type
3 = Passenger car
4 Seatbelt type
B = Manual (1G)
C = Automatic (1G)
A = Driver & passenger airbags (2G)
5 Line code
S = FWD (1G)
T = AWD (1G)
K = Eclipse FWD (2G)
L = Eclipse AWD (2G)
X = Eclipse Spyder (2G)
6 Price code
2 = Low
3 = Medium
4 = High
5 = Premium
6 = Special
7 Body code
4 = 3-door hatchback
5 = 2-door convertible
8 EngineT
1.8 NT (1G)
R = 2.0L NT (1G)
U = 2.0L T (1G)
Y = 2.0L NT (1G)
F = 2.0L T (2G)
G = 2.4L NT (2G)
9 Check digit
1-9, A-Z
10 Model year
N = 1992
V = 1997
11 Plant code
E = Diamond-Star Motors (1G) / Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America (2G)
12-17 Serial number
000001 to 999999
Other DSMs have similar VIN encoding. Check the shop manual of a particular year for more information.
Last Updated:
2016-05-31 09:46
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