A VFAQ is a recent term, which stands for Visual Frequently Asked Questions. A VFAQ is simply a FAQ with pictures, sound and/or video clips that provide more detail on the subject matter. Tom Stangl is credited with coining the term VFAQ.
Currently, VFAQs are available at www.vfaq.com, also hosted by Tom. VFAQs deal almost exclusively with the repair, maintenance and performance upgrades of the DSM cars. These comprehensive guides provide step-by-step instructions on how to install many common DSM performance upgrades.
The Brad Bauer's VFAQ site is not longer operational but can be seen on the internet archive site: https://web.archive.org/web/20010721150657/http://www.myzero.com/
Last Updated:
2016-05-30 08:17
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